A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

TIme for new photos.

First up is the thread jar for October.  Actually there are two photos.  One is lovely pink threads I ripped out after nearly completing a small project.  I was not a happy camper about but I wasn't going to be wrong either.  Note:  I haven't picked up the project since but will be needing to do so soon.  The second is the regular threads for the month, mostly from a new design I'm busy working on.

And now for something really unusual.  I prefer to protect the privacy of my family.  However I think that this photo is cute without being readily identifiable as anyone in particular.  Matter of fact, we saw the same costume on someone else in our neighborhood.

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!  Now to start planning for Thanksgiving.  What to eat is easy but where is question of the month.

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