A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

 SAL time again.  Where has the time gone!?  A lot of work for other groups to be honest (which seems to be never ending.

Here is the rest of the group!




I made a decision as to the next project.  I went thry my hugs to-do stack(s) and narrowed it down to about 4-5 then finally to one.

The Potting Shed   by Shepherds Bush.  Here is the cover sheet.

Here is my start.

If you look close, you can see my left side basting stitch
to help me keeo track,

And here it is today 
(actually last night)

Hope you enjoy everyone's stitching.


CathieJ said...

Wow, you have already made a lot of progress on this very pretty piece. Enjoy your stitching!

Sunny said...

Such a pretty design, and you've done loads of work already! Well done!

Sewing Beside the Sea said...

I love the subtle shades in this design. It's taking shape already :-)

diamondc said...

Hello JHM: Nice progress, I love Shepherds Bush designs.


rutigt said...

Love your new project!

K Reeves said...

Love this!!

⭐Aloha said...

You have a very interesting and helpful blog. Keep it up!