A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Sunday, March 1, 2015


March is supposed to be National Craft Month but all I found was one day celebrating a craft - quilting.  Look for it towards the end of the month.
March is also supposed to be frozen food month.  If our March is anything like February, just set the food on the back deck and it will be frozen faster than the freezer can do.  Not very exciting.  It is also supposed to be Peanut lovers month and the 1st is Peanut Butter lover day.  Ironically I don't care for peanut butter except in a Reese's cup.
Finally March is Women's History month.  I can get excited about that but can I find fun facts?  we shall see.


It started snowing last night and by this morning had dumper around 7 inches.  A n hour or so later it started snowing again and still is.  I guess March is coming in like a lion.

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