A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Books for 2011

My goal for 2011 was to read 75 books.  As of yesterday, I have read 74 books.  Since I have 3 that are currently being read right now, I think I am safe in saying I will reach my goal.  I think I have posted the entire list on the sidebar.

I haven't decided if next year's goal will be higher or not.  There's a lot more already scheduled in my life for next year.  Not the ordinary things either (like EGA, ANG or DAR meetings) but big things (son coming home, teaching my pilot class, teaching at EGA Seminar, niece's wedding, trips, etc and not in any particular order).  After reading what I just wrote - maybe I'll just keep the goal the same to be safe.


Anna van Schurman said...

Hey--you don't have your email in your profile. FYI--I added links to the blog, and Marisa says she can help with your Morrises too!

Donna said...

I've been meaning to say that I love your Seminar piece.