A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

 I can't believe that I have let so much time go by.  I have been doing so much genealogy and been so involved in other things (not stitching) lately.  Yet i have managed some stitching.

Le me start back into April some time which really began several months ago.  A stitching friend died last November. No one remembered to tell me.  It was just assumed I knew.  After spending all of covid plus sometime after with a very sick husband, I had drifted away from many things/groups.  The surprise came in January in the form of a letter from a lawyer.  I had been mentioned in a will. The stitching friend from years ago left myself and five others, her stitching supplies.  She had a wonderful stash that we all envied.  I signed the form and set it off and then in early April 3 boxes landed on my front steps.  Not little boxes either.  All sitting in the rain (and I got them in quickly).  3 boxes of mixed stitching goodies.  At the end of April, those of still in town got together to do a swap.  I had thread bags that went with the chart/canvas from someone else, etc.  We all went home still a bit overwhelmed but now different stashes and all were happy.  So you will see some new things eventually show up as I work on them and my own stuff, etc.  It does make me realize that I need to get bust and stitch the things I love.

Meanwhile a new genealogy opportunity opened up but required some classes  Classes are now done and the work begins tomorrow.  I hope things will be a bit more balanced from here out.

Meanwhile my eyes have begun to bother me again.  Time for another appt and who knows what.  

So mean while this has languished without a lot of work being done.

However this one has done well


and now

This is Cupid's Logs.
A Kathy Rees Design
and one from my friend's stash.
All kitted up, canvas and threads
I just added my needle and a magnet.

Almost there.
I plan on having it done next week.
Then I get to pick a newish piece.
Just not sure which one
3 are nudging me and saying
"stitch me"

Make sure you check out the other stitchers.


Claire said...

must have been bitter/sweet to discover what was in the boxes. And a reminder, indeed, that we need to use what we have and try to avoid keeping too much stash.

rutigt said...

What a surprise and also a sad one. The heart is great.

diamondc said...

So sorry about the loss of your friend, I have had that happen when someone pass's, not knowing hurts a bit, what a Blessing that she willed many items to you and other friends, I am looking forward to seeing what you will be working on of hers.
Genealogy is something I have been thinking about doing, but sounds like a boatload of work.
Have a great day.


Robin in Virginia said...

The heart piece is looking fabulous. I am sorry to hear of your friend's passing.

Sewing Beside the Sea said...

You definitely needed a break from the SAL with everything going on. Sorry to hear that your eyes are causing trouble again. I hope you can continue to stitch. The canvas work heart is stunning! What a lovely gift in your friend's will. I'm pleased you all managed to make swaps and work it all out. I've been looking into my family history and it does take up a lot of time. I'm struggling on the paternal side to find details of my Great Grandfather! The maternal side was a doddle compared to this.

stitchingranny said...

Like so many I gathered stash without realising how long it would actually take to stitch. Now as time marches me towards 80 I am finding it hard to prioritise the things that are most important to me as I doubt I will live long enough to complete every bit of stash I have. A gift of more stitching things is both a blessing and a curse I imagine. x