A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

World Pasta Day

World Pasta Day

When : Always October 25th World Pasta Day is today. It should come as no surprise to discover that this special day promotes the consumption of pasta around the world. It seeks to increase awareness of the benefits of pasta. Each year on World Pasta Day, events are held to help spread the world about pasta and it's nutritional value. The National Pasta Association and pasta manufacturers sponsor these events and activities. On World Pasta Day, pile up your plate, with a big dish of pasta and your favorite sauce!

FOr my hubby since his favorite food is pasta and whatever! 


marly said...

I could eat it every day!

Kaisievic said...

I live in an Italian household, so pasta is always big with us!

Kaisievic said...

Hi jhm, you are the winner of the Life's a Stitch Travelling Pattern, could you please email me on kayedep@gmail.com to let me know your snail mail details? Congrats to you.