A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

It's time to review the stats.  Turtle trot is due tomorrow and before you know it, it will be Shorts reporting.  Time does seem to be flying lately.  My TUSAL is already late, still sitting in the camera. It really seems to like the camera better than my computer this year.

For now I'll do my book stats.  During March I only read 7 books, however it was a total of  3025 pages.  Three of the books were chunksters (books over 450 pages).  I suspect April will be much slower (at least I'm off to a slower start).

Things have been crazy lately.  I have finally submitted my paperwork for another genealogical society.  Now I wait and wait and wait!!!!!!!!!!!  It will be worth it if it gets approved since the same guy is a gateway to two more organizations and a few generations below him qualify for yet another group.  I really am looking forward to the genealogical conference we are going to later this month.  (this is the non-stitching side popping out).

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