A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The computer threw me out when I was trying to retrieve photosfrom Lauren's class on the last post.  Hopefully it won't this time.

This is what it should look like when I'm done.  I'm nowhere near there yet!!!!!
This past monday at our regularly scheduled EGA meeting we had a class on making lapel pins.  I didn't finish in class (only one did) but later that  night (after blowing the driveway clear of leaves and grass, vacuuming the house, cooking dinner for the dau, sil and grandson and a few other chores) I did finish something - the project.  Ta Ta!
or maybe not.  It won't load!
On the bright side, hubby started PT yesterday.  First he will be working on flexability.  It will be awhile before he gets to work on strengthening the arm/shoulder/collar bone.  Meanwhile he is not to hold anything weighing more than a coffee cup.  My luck it will be snowing before he gets to do anything again.

1 comment:

Angie said...

that will be gorgeous when done.