A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Now it's time for some photos from Santa Fe.  As I said before (I think), four of us went in a day early.  So on saturday we walked and walked around Santa Fe downtown.  There were great shops, a great church and lots of different things.  One of the priorities for the others was the Georgia O'Keefe museum.  So off we went.  They were strict about no photos so I have nothing to show you.  But I can direct you to a photo of the museum.  I tried to take a photo of the outside but that's when my batteries died.

Here are some buildings and a church that we went to.

Entrance to a parking garage.  The posts are the standard cement post, only decorated.

Absolutely beautiful.  Traditional Catholic elements yet with the flavor and traditions of the area.
I loved this sign, just before you enter the church.

We had lunch at La Fonda, which is just down the street from the church.  The main doors face the plaza but don't begin to show off the wonders of the hotel.  The food was excellent and there was lots of it.   Check out their website to get an idea of the beauty of the hotel.

As the day went on, we did quite a bit of shopping - actually buying things and window shopping.  Here's some glimpses into where we went.

The Leather shop.  Most of us did a little (or a lot) of buying here.


There were many pottery shops.  I indulged in one of them. 

A gallery of Polish folk art.  When we got inside, there was lots of Polish pottery, icons, etc.  A bit unusual to find in Mew Mexico but interesting to me since my hubby is of Polish descent.

More tomorrow!


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