A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Saturday, December 30, 2017

We got more snow that expected (still no way near as bad as others) and as predicted, the temps are dropping - roughly a degree an hour (or little more).  We did get the driveway cleared (actually hubby did).

Tomorrow will bring stitching progress photos.  I hope to get more done tonight.  Still have to decide what to start on the 1st - not the 31st but on the 1st.  Yesterday I did indulge in a few new charts.  One of the locals shops had a nice sale so I arrived before it started snowing and left as it was snowing.

Still tentatively planning on making the winter of 2018, the winter for canvas pieces.  I have 4 started and another waiting in the wings.  I have two of my own designs needing to be stitched as well.  And there is lots of  genealogy yet to be done. Between all of that, I will have plenty to do if snowed in or just want to avoid the frozen temps.

Stay Warm!

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