A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

 ('m a bit behind in everything - stitching wise -  I stitch but forget to post antything.  Let's start with February's project.

In February there is a group that requires you to stitch for 30 minutes every day and post on their facebook  page.  So I started a new small project to make sure I was stitching which also made me also stitch on my big project everyday.  Here's the Feb project.

I did make a couple of changes.

The cover sheet and info.

I decided I would keep stitching and posting
yes, they the page track that as well if you want.

So I picked up a half finished, smallish piece.
Here's where I started again.


I had not picked up Sergi for two years thereabouts.

The cover sheet and info

My completed SERGI
Originally I changed a few colors
and I stayed with the changes to finish him.
Not ironed yet.

Now to find the next smallish project.
I have pulled several but need to check on threads first.

Hope your stitching is fun.


Robin in Virginia said...

Well done on your finishes! Sergei is a beauty.

Katie said...

Great work on both pieces!

diamondc said...

JHM: Nice progress on both designs, I am one that like to make changes to my liking.
Both are very sweet designs.
