A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

I have been busy working on WIPs and I have three finished ones.  Stitching has been hard since I was out of town and am busy with several other projects and not getting enough sleep most days.  Oh yes, there is the hubby who needs care and feeding, the cats and the outdoor work (which is horrid this time of year, it seems like we mow every few days) as well as the grandsons - we still have not made it to one baseball game yet.

But here are the three finished pieces.

Gobble is finally done.

 One Halloween piece is for one daughter 
and the other is for the other daughter

Both are from Blue Ribbon Designs which actually
 has more squares in the pattern.

FOrgive the wrinkles in all, no time for ironing right now.

1 comment:

Robin in Virginia said...

Your three finishes look super! I like how did stitched the BRD designs.