A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Still alive.  I am stitching but only here and there and very slowly.   Other things have a high priority but that all ends June 4th.

Meanwhile, enjoy the photos.

An updated Wave.

From a facebook group - two borders and part of the ship

Started this one near the beginning of February.

A small drawn thread piece.  9 total squares, each with some drawn thread.  This is all four corners with the "lines" pointing toward the center.

This is the center square.  I added three rows of the bargello.

Center squares of the top and bottom.  I added the beads - it was supposed to be plain.

Center square of the two sides.  I changed the satin stitching to a more vibrant pink.
The overall photo did not come out well so I will have to re-take that photo.
I still feel like I am missing something that I am working on.  The drawn thread piece is complete except for framing.   The other two pieces still need plenty of work.  And I have a whole slew of things just waiting to be finished as well things to be started and finished.

Progress is slow but still progress.

1 comment:

marly said...

Nice work! I used to enjoy drawn thread or open work or whatever the technical term is. Was always afraid to make the cuts but it was fun to do.