A sampling of my designs as well as personal stitching, and life in general.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

catching up

Yes, this really was taken at the end of March 2011 but it just sat in my camera while life kept pushing forward.

Meanwhile, I have enjoyed a nice retreat with Hoosier Stitchers, my on-line stitching sisters.  It was great to put faces to the names.

I've also been to the March meeting for ANG, DAR and EGA.  I have stitched (an important thing).  I have done some genealogy, more by accident than intent.  And I scheduled myself to volunteer for a local genealogy day sponsored by the Indiana Genealogical Society. 

As for the April question (posed by Lee).   I have various records for my needlework.  I used to keep a notebook with the name of the piece and the timeframe it was finished.  I have no idea where the notebook is.  The published pieces each have a master copy, as well as the leaflets for sale, and each have their copyright date, etc.  They are their own record.  Teaching pieces also have a master copy with copyright date, etc but also I have numerous brochures with the various teaching pieces listed.  I also have a file of contracts.  My husband also has copies of most of the brochures in the family history files.  So, some things are double or triple saved/recorded.

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