Friday, November 4, 2022

 Some people write volumes during November for their writing group(s).  But November is also for showing gratitude.  I'm a bit behind already but here goes.

Nov 1 - I was grateful to place flags on Veterans' graves with my local DAR chapter.

Nov 2 - I am grateful for a solid roof on my house - many in Florida do not.
Nov 3 - I am grateful for my pets (2 cats).  Several friends have lost theirs in the past month

Nov 4 - I am grateful for leaves to rake.  Not actually my favorite chore but it means I have trees to shade the yard in the summer and to provide beautiful foliage in the Fall.



  1. Very true. And your leaves are a beautiful color.

  2. JHM: I am thankful I am able to get up each morning.
    Thank-you for placing Flags on the Veterans Grave sites, so many are forgotten or ignored.
    Have a beautiful week-end


  3. Great things to be thankful for.
