Sunday, March 29, 2020

SAL time

For now all is well.
We are staying in and going stir crazy.
I have my stitching and genealogy

Some things got a lot of attention, others did not.  
It  happens.
everything got some attention.

Main project:
Descending Order
by Long dog Sampler

not quire done.
Found the chart's alphabet but it won't work
Need to find another.

Next up
St. Sylvestre
By Long Dog Sampler

This got the most attention this past week
and obviously the last 3 weeks.
Still lots to go.

The Early Americans
By Little House Needleworks

Abigail got a roof.  Nathan's roof is in progress
Still need to fix the small boo-boo in the alphabet
mostly tangled threads.

A is for Acorn
(I call Acorn)
By Hillside Samplings

Terrible photo - Sorry.
An oldie from my stash.
Almost everything so far is the dark green.
I did find a couple of the other colors this week.

And so it goes.
I did not post the 2020 Linens a
& Things Mystery Sampler.
I need to wait for the April installment.

Please check out the rest of the group.  They do such nice work 
and we have so many varied interests.


  1. I'm still loving the red sampler. Sue has also been using red on white this time. If I didn't have my next project already lined up I'd have to start something similar myself.

  2. Descending Order is such a beautiful piece; it really stands out. Love your other projects too. Well done with all the lovely stitching.

  3. lovely progress

  4. I also love that red sampler project!

  5. Each project is looking good. You are almost finished with the red one! Woohoo!
