Monday, September 28, 2015


September has been super busy!   Far too many things going on, yet I managed small bits of time to stitch.  after all, it is my sanity saver.

I did manage to finish two items - both Christmas trees.  One started anew and one almost done.

 The start.

As yo can tell, The gold star is no longer there.  When I found the star button, the gold got ripped out.

This one was done except for the star and the beads.   So got out my beads and finished it.

I have started another piece or two.  I never seem to be able to do one at a time.  I probably have at least a dozen in progress right now.  I'm not sure that I really want to count them.

Have a great Monday!


  1. While the old computer is up and running I got to see your trees. LOVE them! Can't believe September is gone and Christmas is coming so fast.
