Sunday, April 28, 2013

I know it's been a while - it's been a busy month and it's not over yet.  It actually atarted back in early March getting things readt for a pilot claa, leading up to today's regular class and the week ahead.

Right now I'm at Great Lakes region seminar and I'm exhausted and it just started.

More to come after the week is over.  Definitelybetter spelling too.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring ?

I think that spring may have finally arrived.   The latest storm to hit Denver with snow as actually only dumped rain on us.   The snow did not last as far as us.

Some flowers have started to bloom and the others are not too far behind.  None of the Hosta has returned yet but then again most of it is in shady and protected areas.  The Oak Leaf Hydrangia(sp?) has started to bud - Yeah!
Hopefully the temps will start staying upward of the 30's and 40's and spring will stick around.