Monday, March 14, 2022

 It's Pi day!

Sunday, March 13, 2022


 Hard to believe how fast the past three weeks have gone.  I can't say I got a lot of stitching in.  It seemed like I was always frogging.  There was an area I did three times before I got it right,  But I have plugged away at Do DIfferent.

My camera wasn't as nice to me though.  I emailed myself the photo for the day at 10 am and it just arrived at nearly 8 pm.  My phone/camera has been doing that a lot lately.

This is last time

Today's update

As you can tell, I worked on the big floral area
in the four corners but I didn't 
get the 4th corner completed.

Don't forget the look at the other stitchers' beautiful stitching.