Thursday, January 31, 2019

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

4 inches of snow and lots of ice is all the 
winter storm Harper gave.  The ice was a royal pain,
mainly because then the temps
dropped to single digits and below.

I did stitch but need to take photos.
Meanwhile volunteer work has been calling

Friday, January 18, 2019

Another week-end
Another round of Snow
Perfect for stitching
Perfect for reading
Lots of hot tea

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Now here is a resolution I can handle!

Sunday, January 13, 2019

SAL Time

We start with the present that Gia left us.

I managed an evening on Gobble
(mostly the left border)

All the other time has been spent here
My DAR patriots and relatives
almost to the bottom
sides and 4 corners to go yet.

See everyone else's works
(new folks are joining us too)

Saturday, January 12, 2019

FYI for stitchers who have stitched pieces but not framed/stuffed/etc finished.

going to start a Fully-Finished Gallery SAL to be run on the 10th of each month, starting 10th February 2019, with a linky-up widget thingy where you can join in and post your recently-completed fully-finished objects.

An FFO could be anything from sticking a project onto a piece of card to having it professionally framed, and covering everything in between - bags, bookmarks, boxes, coasters, cubes, gift tags, keyrings, ornaments, pillows, purses, scrapbook pages, tablecloths, tissue boxes, wall hangings... anything... as long as it's been fully-finished. Let your imagination run riot!

I very much want this to be a no pressure SAL so there will be no need to sign up and no commitment required - you just post as and when you have something to show. But to add to the fun, for each month you enter, your name will go into a draw for an end of year prize giveaway of some sort. How does that sound?

It is my hope to see FFOs by both regular and the more reluctant or ad-hoc finishers and that having somewhere central to post and share FFOs, and a variety of finishing techniques, might be just what's needed to give others inspiration and motivation to encourage even more finishes.

Please leave a comment if you like this idea and think you might join in, just so I know I won't be alone! And please feel free to spread the word on your own blog, or add a link back to this post if you wish - the more who know about it and can be encouraged or guilt-tripped into giving fully-finishing a go the better!!

So, come on, dust off your UFOs, turn them into FFOs and between us let's proudly populate this Fully-Finished Gallery with our cross stitch handiwork! Even if you only try it once it's one less UFO sitting around.

I'll set up a page with the 'rules' and write another post or two closer to 10th February to keep you updated. I'm also looking for a good logo (I'm not very imaginative!) so suggestions are welcome (or if you would like to design one...?)

Finally, a big shout out to two bloggers who have encouraged me with this idea; your positivity has helped no end. You know who you are. Thank you xx.


 Indiana's forecast

Friday, January 11, 2019

It's been a busy few days of "getting back to normal"  - back-to-back meetings, etc and a to-do list that's very long.  I'll have a stitching update Sunday.  Meanwhile....

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

I think that this may also be the year of WIPs.

There are a few too many!

Friday, January 4, 2019

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Enjoy your day!

Tuesday, January 1, 2019