Friday, November 30, 2018

I have missed the post for the 19th by a few minutes.  So just a quick one.  I am very grateful for my dentist.  SHe is the first dentist that I have had that did not use only novacain.  I am allergic and spend years going with out any medication when needing a filling or something.  I may hate going to the dentist but I love my dentist.

Now onto the 30th.

Image may contain: nature, outdoor and text

I saw this on facebook and thought it would be 
good to share on the last day of November.
I am grateful that some of read my posts during this month.  
Some of them must have been so boring at times.

Better times are coming.
December starts my wacky Christmas posts
I have been searching for different Christmas items
I hope you will enjoy them.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Today I am thankful for four seasons.  I enjoy three of them,
not so much the one that has started early - winter.
There is a lot to be said for winter, it can be beautiful but dangerous.
Snow is gorgeous but I'm just not as fond of it as I used to be.
Nevertheless, it is nice to have 4 seasons.

This was yesterday.
I spent a lot of time reading (inside).

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Today I am thankful for the appliances in my life.   The washer in my home makes life easier than going to a laundromat and I assume they still exist.  The same for my dryer.  Even better are the refrig and stove/oven.  They give me the ability to choose my own food, store it and cook it.  Though not actually an appliance, I am grateful for my car and the ability to pay for gas and insurance and the opportunity to help others.

Monday, November 26, 2018

I am grateful for friends and acquaintances that have wandered through my life.  Each have enriched my life in various ways.  From books to needlework to genealogy - so many paths and so many opportunities to learn and share.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Sundays are for being grateful for my faith.  It seems to be the appropriate day.

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Friday, November 23, 2018

The last two days have been fun and chaotic.  It has been all about family and meals, planned and unplanned.

We had the grandkids on Wednesday and we did our best to make sure they would be returned worn out so their parents could prepare for the Thanksgiving meal.  We did return them to their home half sleeping in their seats but as soon as they got home, they perked up.  We ended up eating dinner at their house and not leaving for our home til late.  So much for best laid plans.

Today was rising early to finish some of my contributions to dinner then heading over to the oldest daughter's home.  Dinner was great and company was good (our SIL's sibling and spouses).

I am thankful for the joy in the last couple of days.  I enjoy the company of my family.

And with joy comes the other side - sorrow.  Wed night we learned my husband's last remaining uncle had passed away.  That makes 3 deaths in his family in the last 6 months.

Meanwhile I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Running late again.   Today is national teacher day.

I am thankful for many of the teachers that I have had in my many years of classrooms.  I admit I don't remember all of them but there are a few who stand out.

My 4th grade teacher who taught me how to study and really take responsibility

My college Economics professor (several classes with him) - taught me to appreciate the Wall street journal and to pay attention to my English.  We needed proper English to pass the courses with him.
Please forgive any misspellings in this message.

My college history professor.  Two question on the mid-term and two on the final and there were the only 2 exams.  Pay attention to everything -details, concepts, etc

Even after I joined the Army , there were many hours spent in the classroom.  Bless those that made sure I knew my left from my right.

Bless teachers everywhere!  I have plenty in my family and extended family.

Monday, November 19, 2018

Today reminds me that I am grateful for a roof over my head and 4 walls around me.  I actually have it better than the minimum and for that I am grateful.  Days that started with snow then changed to rain and is gray and yucky remind me to be grateful for what I have.

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Sorry about missing yesterday's post.  It was a busy day into evening.

It started early with a trip to a Veterans' Hospital and a lineage group meeting.  After the meeting and a quick brown bag lunch, we got a tour of the facility.  So much nicer than some of the VA hospitals that I have been to (many eons ago).  The group also donated 31 handmade fleece blankets.  Nit bad for a very small group. It also beats our record from last year.  Then time to head home, fix dinner and off to the Symphony for the evening.  It was a great evening.  The orchestra play the music to the showing of Star Wars: A New Hope.

I'm grateful to have a great day yesterday.

As for today, I am also grateful for this day - a quiet, peaceful day - a little reading, a little stitching, a little tv, etc.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Gratitude is the world’s healthiest human emotion. It actually increases your immunity to sickness.

But the Bible gives us another way. First Thessalonians 5:18 says, “Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God’s will in Christ Jesus that you do this” (GWT).

-- Rick Warren

Today I am thankful for things that make their way to my email box.  You never know what wonderful surprises can show up.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Today is an unexpected gratitude.  It is icy today and more on the way.  So today I have the unexpected pleasure and gratitude of spending time with my grandsons.  School has been cancelled and most of the surrounding schools as well.  Right now they are happily watching cartoons which they rarely get to do.

Normally I can stand under the branches of this tree.
Somewhere under the tree is a six foot tall birdfeeder.
The photo doesn't show off the ice very well but it is there.

Now back to the grandkids.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

A bit late in the day.

today I am grateful for finding my chiropractor many years ago.  She got me in at the last minute on Tuesday (yesterday) and I finally got a good night's sleep without pain.

I should be grateful for my dentist who worked on a tooth this morning.  However I am still not fond of dentists in general.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

I think the poster says it all.

Now for the humor

Monday, November 12, 2018

I am thankful for a day of quiet  (this past Saturday) while my husband was off during something he enjoys.

Not Us!
We love Turkey

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Veteran's day and SAL

Happy Veteran's Day

I am thankful for all those veterans out there,
either draftee or volunteers.
I am thankful that they served our country.

and now the SAL update

Yes, progress is being made - slowly

This Santa is almost done.
I decided yesterday that I needed sleep more.

I am confident this turkey will be done for Thanksgiving.

Check out the others!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Today I am grateful for my pets.   Growing up I had dogs, usually one at a time.  Now mu husband and I have two cats.  It started with one - a rescue, then one of the daughters got him a kitten for Father's day.  Then back to one when the older cat developed cancer and now we are back to two.  No matter the number, they make a wonderful addition to the family.

Hard to believe but tomorrow is Veteran's Day!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Since I was grateful for the newest member of the next generation yesterday, Today I am grateful for my grandkids.  The four of them bring all of us great happiness.  My two daughter each have two boys - all within 4 years.  It will certainly be fun watching them grow up.  Their personalities are already coming out.

Hard to believe that Thanksgiving day is just around the corner - less than 2 weeks.
Time to start adding the Thanksgiving humor
 as well as the Veteran appreciation.

Have you bought your turkey yet?

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Today I am grateful for my newest great-nephew.  My niece and her husband had a new baby on election day.  Congrats to the grandparents and the parents.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Today I am thankful for my genealogy groups - some are lineage societies which I am proud to belong to, other are groups that celebrate genealogy, no matter where it leads us.  I do admit that genealogy takes almost as much time as my stitching does.

In my case, my oath as an officer never expires


This is where genealogy pays off.
Finding these elusive but important ancestors.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018


I don't care who you vote for but please do vote.

Today I am grateful to be an American and have the privilege of being able to vote.

Don't forget, Veteran's Day is coming.