Sunday, September 30, 2018


Late in the day but not forgotten.  Read under the photos for explanation/description.  I will admit that this is what I have mostly worked on most of the time.  Check the previous posts for the Santa ornaments that I finished stitching on earlier this week.

this was on 9-6-2018  
(the last SAL I posted for)

This was an update posted on 9-24-2018
(since I wasn't available for the last SAL)

As of  earlier today  9-30-2018

 Close up of area being worked

Don't forget to check the others in the SAL

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A quick update as of 9-24-18.

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Thursday, September 20, 2018

September 20, 2018. This day has been set aside for special promotions, events, and excitement to bring awareness to independent needlepoint shops. Do you know that many people have no idea independent needlework shops exist...all they know are chain stores. Let's show them how much indie shops have to offer. Shop owners are passionate about stitching just like you are, and offer a space filled with ideas, inspiration, and supplies for your next fabulous project.

There is a Facebook group posting events happening around the country. If you are a cross stitcher or an embroiderer, don't let the name keep you away: needlepoint shops carry threads, accessories and many items you can use in your stitching techniques too.

Visit for more information about Local Needlepoint Shop Day 2018. Help us spread the word too. Share with your stitching friends all over the world. Many shops sell online via their websites, and this supports "local" shops if you don't have one in your town.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018

I know that I am a week behind in posting my updates.  I had remembered to take the photo a week before it was due just in case.  The news was then that my MIL was getting worse.  She was on hospice.   Then later that week we got the news she was gone and we headed off to the east Coast - a 12 hour trip for us.   Meanwhile things got busy with preparations, etc. even though my BIL had taken care of a lot of it and the funeral was pre-planned.  There are still a lot of little items to do.  My husband had already written the obit and started an eulogy.  He kept re-writing it up to the viewing.  As custom with the church where she was buried from, the eulogy is given before the funeral mass.  She lived a long life - she was 98.

Anyhow the viewing was the day that updates are normally posted and the funeral the day after, etc.  We stayed on to visit with family and we are back now and trying to resume a more normal schedule again.  So this Sunday you get the updates on stitching.


close up 
this area looks like a sleeve but is the dress
 draped over her bended knee
I did a fait amount of confetti stitching
plus some small blocky areas.
She did not make the trip to the east coast
she needs more attention than what I knew I could give.

This went with me

progress made in the car

This also went

stitching done in car and while gone
beading this week
You can tell I did not center it very well
but it will still work - lots of beads still to go.

I also took knitting for the car portion but no photos of it

I think I showed the start of this at the last update
this is the most current progress shot

As we most of us, I overpacked the stitching
Did not touch most of it.

This little lovely mitten had been missing for the week before.
I opened my bag and pulled out a larger Santa
and there was the mitten.
Who knows why I stashed it there vs it's own baggie
but it is found again.
(and it still needs work)

In two weeks is the SAL update again
and I will be in sync then.
Meanwhile who knows what I will post.
I hope you went to check out the other members of the SAL.