Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!   Hope you all have a great day!

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Sunday - the second day of the Memorial Day week-end.  I'm glad that our veterans have fought for our right to worship as we want.  I'm sorry that even today, some people still disapprove of some churches (to include what are known as mainline churches).

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Saturday - the first day of the Memorial day week-end.   Memorial day is to remember our deceased service members.  For me, that means both of my parents, a grandfather and several generations back past the American Revolution.  Yes, past the war for independence.

For this first day of the long week-end I am grateful that my son made it thru two tours in Afghanistan, alive and in one piece.   He always had duty some place on the front line, lots of fire fights, etc.  No cushy jobs for him.

Thank you son, for supporting our country.  Love Mom.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Sorry it has been so long since a needlework update.  Last week I was gone to a conference (state level) and our big project at home has hit a snag.  We are furiously working away on it.  So, in the wee hours of the night or early morning when I can't sleep, I have been stitching.  Stitching is wonderful to calm the nerves and makes me relax.   Here's a look.

 St. Basil

 Last time, this was shown more square

I worked on this while listening to the business sessions during the conference ( I didn't need to take notes)

BTW, I added a new blog in the needlework business area.  The blog belongs to Hoffman Distributing Company.  They are new to blogging, please check them out and welcome them
ll still take suggestions for new blogs to read.  It seems that many of the ones I found on a blog hop earlier this year have really not been keeping up their blogs.  Really disappointing.  

I admit that I prefer blogging over facebook.  No one has tried to hack my blog (unlike facebook accounts), no one has claimed that my writings are theirs (unlike facebook) and it is not a closed group (like facebook's little secret groups that even members can't access).  Enough said, there is room for both.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

This is simply a day to salute sharply to all of the men and women in all branches of the service who protect our country and you. They can be called upon at a moment's notice to perform a risky and perilous mission for freedom and country. They train diligently both physically and mentally so they will be prepared to prevail in any mission they face.

Just how did it all begin? Well, each branch of the military had their own day of celebration. But, on August 31, 1949 then Secretary of Defense Louis Johnson announced the creation of Armed Forces Day. President Harry Truman also announced the holiday in a presidential proclamation on February 20, 1950. All branches of the military were asked to celebrate on this day and they complied on the first Armed Forces Day which was held the following year on May 20, 1950.

Thank you to my numerous ancestors who served, fought and thankfully came home to their families, especially my son and my father.

Monday, May 11, 2015

This past week Gay Ann Rogers posted about the death of Diane Clements:

A Very Sad Day for the Needlework World
Yesterday I learned some very sad news: our needlework world lost one of its extraordinary members: the enormously talented and charming Diane Clements.
Diane had to be one of the most exacting and wonderful stitchers I've known and how much our needlework world will miss her. It simply won't be the same without her.

I met Diane at the EGA seminar in 2012 in Santa Fe.  She was a delightful person.  I know that she was the favorite teacher of some of my friends.  I have searched for her obituary but have not been able to find anything. I hope someone remembered to put a needle into her lapel before they buried her.  

Rest in Peace Diane.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day !!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

No stitching update yet.  I need to get photos first.

I did spend a week-end in the yard and garage though.  We hauled everything out of the garage, washed it down, power washed part of the flood and the whole driveway, weeded, moved firewood to the back of the yard, power washed the deck and collapsed.  And managed to get stung by a bee.

We did take time off for a concert.  We went to see Kenny G.  It was WONDERFUL!  I wold go again in a heartbeat!  He surprised everyone by walking down one of the two aisles - unfortunately not or side.  Flirted with people - all while playing -, waved at folks, etc.  Even when he got on stage, in between songs, he joked with us, (he has a great sense of humor), - overall a great concert and evening.

BTW, I have cleaned of some of the older blogs that haven't posted anything within the last year or so.  I did update the monthly book list.  I admit I only added one book last and read more.  I have now read 34 books for the year.  I thought I was behind the last couple of years but I am slightly ahead instead.  Yes, I keep records.  Right now I actually have 4 books going at once.  Two of them are really slow and seem to drag on forever.  One is a paperback I carry in my purse for those odd moments I have nothing to do or am stuck somewhere.  One is going rather quickly because it is well written and lighthearted.