Monday, April 27, 2015

Time for another stitching update.  I'll admit that I haven't done as much as usual due to another huge project happening.  That project is due next Monday

St Basil.

A new start.  I forgot the photo of the overall piece.  Should be a fairly quick stitch once I have tome again.

I started this on vacation this winter.  I haven't gotten back to it yet and I had forgotten to photograph it last time.
so then life should go back to semi-normal.  MEanwhile here is what I have done lately.

This day if for my s-i-l that is the baseball coach.

Babe Ruth Day honors one of Baseball's greatest players ever.
On April 27, 1947, Babe Ruth attended Yankee Stadium for Babe Ruth Day. It was to be the second last time he was at the stadium. In 1946, Babe Ruth was diagnosed with Throat Cancer. Back then, there was not as much treatment as there is today.
On this day in 1947, "The Bambino" returned to "The House that Ruth Built" to be honored.

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Around the the beginning of May, I plan on cleaning up my blog.  Some of the favorites (on the right side) have not posted in forever.  They may be deleted.  If anyone has suggestions as to blogs they would like to see in my sidebar, please leave a message.  If you see yours and want me to keep it, let me know.
I will take into consideration those that only post at certain intervals.  After all, the whole reason for the sidebar was to make it easier on me and any readers out there.  I really hate checking the sidebar and seeing that no one has updated lately.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

I couldn't resist putting in this unknown "holiday".  To this day, my oldest daughter's favorite are the black jelly beans.  It was a lot harder than normal to find them this Easter.

National Jelly Bean Day is a time to enjoy gobs and gobs of jelly beans. Anyone who loves jelly beans, knows they are not just for Easter. Sure, they are very popular at Easter. But, they are also enjoyed year round. The flavors are limited only by the imagination of candy makers. If you've never enjoyed the multitude of flavors in a box of gourmet jelly beans, the we suggest you head right out to the store and buy some.

Jelly beans date back to at least the 1860's. Advertisements promoted sending jelly beans to Union troops fighting in the Civil War. The original candy maker is unknown.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

In a way this describes my oldest grandson's first t-ball game this past week-end.  The closest anyone got to being hit int he head was one of the adults who helped with the T.  He had just instructed this little girl on what to do and she went for it.  He barely got out of the way.  The kids have had 2 practices - everything else has been rained out.  

This is the adult that almost got hit and my grandson.  You can see the shirt is a bit too big, as well as the helmet.  He is about to get instructions as to where to stand, etc.  They get 5 pitches then move on to using the T.  Everyone gets to hit and run the bases and they only play 2 innings.

Not much as changed since his uncle (my son) played t-ball many years ago.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Some people know little or nothing about Patriot's Day. To New Englander's, it is a big, big day. In the states in New England, it's a holiday with a day off of work. Banks, schools, post offices, and businesses have the day off.
Patriot's Day commemorates the Battle of Lexington and Concord on April 19, 1775. This battle began the American Revolutionary War. It also honors the "Midnight Ride of Paul Revere", that evening when Paul Revere rode through town warning the colonists that  "The Red Coats are coming!" 

I remember this holiday back when I lived in Connecticut.  Always the 3rd Monday of the month.  Great to have an extra day off from school or work.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Here it is - a couple of days after the taxes were due and most of us are glad it's over (there's always a few that need extensions).  Couldn't resist this comic even though the dates are off:

Thursday, April 16, 2015

National Librarian Day celebrates and honors librarians. They are among the most knowledgeable people you know. When you visit your cavernous library in search of a particular book, or a specific research topic, they always quickly point you in the right direction. And, they do so with a smile.

Experts of the Dewey Decimal System, your Librarian aids and assists you in identifying and retrieving  a myriad of books, periodicals, and  reference material.  Librarians hold a wealth of knowledge in their heads. Got a subject you are researching? Chances are, the Librarian will point you right to the book you need.
Celebrate the day by sending a card to your librarian. Visit the library today, and make certain to say hello and "Thank you" to all of the librarians.

I have lots of friends who have their library degree -some use it or their work, some have never used as intended and some are retired.   My part time job in college was in the library.  I loved that job!  Especially my senior year when I got to work in the research area.  I learned so much!  I often thought about getting a masters in library science but never did - followed the accounting track instead.  

Monday, April 13, 2015

I have been stitching - honest.  It seems to be very random as to what I work on.  I can't seem to settle on anything lately.
 Up first is St. Basil by Carole Lake.  Still missing one of the threads.

 This is the original design.  I have a few changes in mind.

 For example, a blue house, with a red door and white trim.  That weird looking shade of Blue is Blue Brethren by Sampler Threads.  I have now run out of thread and have to wait until Saturday to get more. 

 This one is my the EGA chapter retreat last winter.

Not much progress yet. Most of what you see is 4-sided stitch and with a bit of double running.

More later.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Time for a real needlework post.

This past February we took a cruise in the Virgin Islands - where it was was and home was cold.  Astonishingly enough I found needlework on the ship.


Lace work




All of these pieces were displayed in some of the numerous halls on the ship.  They also had more traditional works of art (i.e painting, photographs, etc).

Sunday, April 5, 2015

I wish for you a Blessed and Happy Easter!
Enjoy the day.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

School Librarian Day honors those who serve our young students so well in the local school libraries. The education of young minds needs to be nurtured and fed. Feeding those minds with good quality, yet challenging reading material and reference materials is what school librarians excel at.
Take a minute today, to appreciate all the hard work that a school librarian does daily, and the patience the librarian displays, as he or she aids our youth.

I have several friends who are or have been School Librarians.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Tatting Day

Tatting Day has been celebrated internationally for over a dozen years. April 1st is the International Tatting Day.
Tatting is the skill of making delicate, elegant tatted lace. It is enjoyed by thousands of people.

BTW, April 1st is also April Fools day.  But the tatting day is still real.