Wednesday, March 26, 2014

If I remember correctly, the last Wednesday of the month is time for a Smalls SAL report.  IF not, then you are getting one anyhow and it is either early or late.
I'll start with an overall photo of the year to date.
The Blue Nutcracker, a turkey who is missing a color I haven't got and a red Nutcracker.
You can even see part of the boot for the next Nutchracker.

And a better view of the newly completed Nutcracker!

(and the boot of #3)

Saturday, March 22, 2014

National Goof Off Day

National Goof Off Day

Date when : Always March 22nd

Now here's a day that just about everybody can relax and enjoy. It's a day to do anything and everything.....except what you're supposed to do today. Assuming you won't get in trouble at work or school, go ahead and play some golf, or play games all day. Spend extra time surfing the net. Go out and spend the day window shopping with your favorite friend. Or, just read sit down and read a book or watch Tv. This day is set aside for you to do anything you enjoy doing.   

Stitch something!

How lucky is it that it falls on a Saturday in 2014!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

seminar flyer

Look at the great flyer that was created for me for the upcoming EGA Seminar.   My original is in a pdf which I can't seem to load either here or facebook.  So I took this photo. 

Let me know if you want a copy of the pdf.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Greetings from one of my favorite characters!

I'll tip my hat to all my Irish friends and to those who are Irish in spirit today!

May you find the leprechaun and he lead to a pot of gold
In other words, good luck on this day.
This is what it may look like if you decide to have one too many green drinks!
Hope you are wearing green today.
Enjoy your day!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

TUSAL and other

Yes, it's late again.  However, The photo was taken on time.  It just sat on my camera for far too long because too many other things were going on.

Now for something early - the Turtle trot.  I found my original, hand-written note of what I wanted to accomplish/finish over this coming year.  I am thinking about using this list as actual list and putting it over on the sidebar so I can keep better track of it.  Tonight is the final decision time so that I can do a report tomorrow.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Seminar is coming!

My seminar books have arrived - both EGA and ANG.  So many wonderful classes - to include the ones that I am teaching this year.   I can't wait until they get here (but it means lots of work first).

ANG is the first one up - end of August, in Chicago.  It promises to be lots of fun!

Then comes EGA in Phoenix.  Wow, lots of well known teachers!  Should also be lots of fun!

Hopefully I will see some of you there!

Monday, March 3, 2014

We were busy over the week-end so I'm just getting back into things here at home.

For February, I read 7 books (short month) for a total of 2408 pages.   I also did a lot of stitching during the Olympics which does cut down on reading time.

March will be a big genealogy month.  I have a couple of major projects cocnerning my ancestors to get completed this month.   More on that as things get completed.