Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Another year comes to a close.  I can't say that I will miss this year much but some very wonderful things came out of it - like our third grandson - Camden.  He is such a delight and very adorable!

It's hard to believe that Jan 1, 2011 I started this blog.  Now 3 years have gone by.  Looking at my stats, it seems that I averaged a new post only twice a week.  I guess I need to do better in 2014.  I can try anyhow.

Meanwhile -

 Happy New Year !!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

I am going to attempt 3 different stitching SALs in 2014.

1.  TUSAL 2014 - I'e done this before and enjoyed it.  I missed doing it last year.  Here's the link

2. The 2014 Turtle Trot.   A way to work on WIPs.  About my speed.  Here's the link.

3.  The 2014 Smalls SAL.  I want to do more ornaments and gift type pieces this coming year so I thought this might help motivate and remind me.  Here's the link.

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

A little Christmas eve humor!  Hope you can enjoy it!

And on the serious side - please remember our soldiers far from home - they miss their families and we miss them.

Thank them for everything they do and especially the things they give up in order to protect us.

Merry CHristmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Some more Christmas humor.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Now for the Dog's side of the CHristmas Holiday.   Enjoy!

Friday, December 20, 2013

If only either of my cats would pose for me - ha ha!!  This little guy whoever he is, does look a lot like Max but I doubt Max would be so cooperative.

And in the spirit of cats, here's another little bit of Christmas humor.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Sorry yesterday may have sounded grumpy.  But I power shopped yesterday and was tired.  One more gift to go and so hopefully after my volunteer time wrapping gifts for Project Patriot* is complete, I will get it and head home to do the decorating, more cleaning, baking, etc before everyone comes home next week.

Meanwhile enjoy today's funny - the upside of snow!
*  DAR Project Patriot is the official Daughters of the American Revolution committee that supports America’s service personnel in current conflicts abroad. Project Patriot fund help the support of the wounded active duty military personnel at the Landstuhl Regional Medical Center in West Germany.
The Caroline Scott Harrison Chapter of the Daughter of the American Revolution has done the gift wrapping fundraiser at several Barnes & Noble location for the last several years.
In 2012, DAR sent 2,000  Phone cards for 120 minutes have been purchased by the National Society and sent, for distribution to troops to use in calling family from Afghanistan. For the Chaplain's Closet at Landstuhl Regional Medical Center, DAR members' contributions have provided for 55 morale trips and lunch for a total of 715 Wounded Warriors, as well as needed shoes and clothing, valued at $1,500.  For the Clothes Closet at the Warrior Transitional Brigade at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, the National Society purchased and had shipped the following requested items: 300 pair of flip flops, 100 pair of men's workout shorts, 100 men's T-shirts, 100 packages of men's boxer briefs, 50 women's T-shirts, 50 pair of women’s workout shorts, and 50 pair of women's pajamas. For the Clothes Closet at the Wounded Warrior & Family Support Center at Brooke Army Medical Center, San Antonio, Texas, the National Society purchased and had shipped the following  items: 100 pair of men's workout shorts, 100 men's T-shirts, 100 packages of men's boxer briefs, 50 women's T-shirts, 50 pair of women's workout shorts, and 50 pair of women's pajamas.
We support our troops!

Monday, December 16, 2013

I thought we needed a little seasonal humor.  We got more snow this week then more this week-end.  It's not even Christmas yet, let alone January, and I'm ready for the snow to be done!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bookish update

I keep a running tally of the books I read each year.  Each year I set a goal and try to be realistic.  Mu goal for this year was 80 books.  Yet secretly I want to beat last year's total (82 books, and 28,120 pages).  
In November of this year, I hit the 80 books mark and I also hit the 82 book mark but I didn't match the pages. 
As of Dec 11, 2013, I have read 86 books and a total (so far) of  28,557 pages for the year 2013.  And to think there are still 2 weeks or so left in the year.
I will admit, there were more opportunities to read this year (and no, my stitching did not suffer) that were very unexpected. and hopefully will not be repeated.

A year-end account will be published in January for those who are curious.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Today's photo top fits the day somewhat.  Our temps were in the 60's.  It promises to be warm tomorrow but with rain and by the week-end, snow.  Yes, that awful 4 letter word! 

Though I have bought new winter gloves in preparation for the cold season, I 'm just not mentally ready yet.

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Have a Great Thanksgiving!!!!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Here's what I wanted to start when the storm hit a week ago.  THis time the snow is just missing us and I am not complaining.

Just a smallish piece.  Maybe by this coming monday I'll have it stitched - we shall see.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Yesterday (Sunday) was most interesting.  I had wanted to start a new project and watch a tv program at 2 pm.  Ha-ha! 

The channel is talking only abouth the weather and where and when it was going to hit.  Yes, I was in the path of the infamous mid-west storm.  And so it continued to give warnings as I did things to prepare for the worse case.  Until about 4 pm when the power went out.  Candles were ready, flashlights, etc.  Except -dinner - because they were saying the storm wouldn't hit us til 6 pm or later.  ha-ha!  So it was cold pizza for dinner.  We spent the evening playing cribbage by candlelight.

Some time in the night, the power came back.  Hubby went off to PT and I went to EGA stitching.  Then around noonish, hubby calls me and says the power is gone again.  Another call to the power company.  By the time I arrived home, he had power for maybe 15 minutes. So I'm trying to get this post in before it goes again. 

I hope my freezer is ok.  I just did some major shopping last week and is it nearly full.  I haven'topened itand the house hasn't been warm since there hasn't been power and the outside temps have dropped at least 20 degrees.  we shall see.

Good news is that I got some stitching done today.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Here's some more self promotion.

This is the class for the Rocky Mountain Region of EGA for 2014.  Jul 31 thru Aug 2 in Albuquerque, NM.

It's called Creme ala Creme.  It's a 2 day class - a canvas purse created in mostly cremes with touchs of green and brown/taupes.  Better yet, it has color options.  I will be bringing to class a few other color choices.  One of my favorites from the pilot class kept the creme, switched the green and taupes to lavenders and use silver as the highlight.   Absolutely gorgeous!

Did yo notice that the bargello is different on each side?  There are actually 3 bargello patterns to choose from.  Your version will be entirely unique!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

THought I would spread the word.  Hurry thou, it ends Nov 15th.

Melissa at St John's Stitcher _St John's stitcher is hosting a giveaway.

Click on the long line.  Somehow it's not letting me attach the link to the words, just the line.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Veteran's Day

HAPPY VETERAN'S DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HUG A VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every chance you get, thank a veteran!

One of my favorite vets!!!!!!

Somewhere in here is my other favorite vet!!!!
If it wasn't for veterans of all wars, this blog would not exist.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Here's a couple of things that I have been working on.  Of course nothing has gotten finished yet.

The start of the The Spider by Janet  Ziglar Casey  (or is it the other way around?)  Nice piece either way and good instructions.

And now it (the system) won't let me load any more photos.  URGGGHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Our little ghost, gobleins and other scary and not-so-scary visitors came knocking a day later than usual but still apparently having fun.  Not so many this year - 17 kids.  At least 6 of them were older, old enough to be on their own for the evening.

Here is our little guy.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Tis a wonderful night for ghouls and goblins, the rains have settled to a mist and the fog grows as it rolls in.  A truely ghostly night.  But alas the creatures of Halloween have been told- STOP. A storm of epic proportions is rolling into wipe away everything and start anew.*

*  A severe storm is headed our way - driving rain, thunder, lightening and chances of tornadoes.  Halloween has officially been delayed one day.  Yesterday was very foggy and dreary,misting most of the day(and had rained thru the night).

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

It's nearly time for Halloween!  The frost is definitely on our pumpkins.  This will be a chilly Halloween around these woods!

I hope everyone has their costumes ready and the pumpkins filled with goodies to give out.  There's still time to get ready.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today's viewing is the class for ANG National 2014 in Chicago.  This is an Encore piece.  It as previously taught at an EGA National Seminar.

The one with the greenish mat is one of my student's version.  The gold mat is mine - the original.
This class (like Diamond Panes) encourages you to switch some colors around.  This piece also lets you move around certain sections.  There are a total of 14 sections and certain ones are interchangeable.

Diamond Panes shows4 sections of speciality stitches but there are a total of 6 available to choose from in class.

Next up will be the class for the Rocky Mountain Regional in 2014, being held in New Mexico.

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Beware - this post is self promoting!

Over the next week or so I want to introduce my classes for 2014.

Up first is the class for EGA NAtional seminar in Phoenix in 2014 - Diamond Panes.  You can also see it here and see all the other classes and still have time to pre-register.

For more detailed photos and the other classes, stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

I'm not sure if I mentioned this before or not but since 30 September, we have been babysiting our oldest grandson who is 3.  His Nana (the other grandmother) is his regular care giver/daycare/sitter and we are usually the back-up.   Well, Nana decided she needed/wanted a vacation-the whole month of October plus a a day or either side.  It has been interesting.  I realize I have forgotten a lot about 3 years old and they can really wear you out.  I have also forgotten a lot about potty training (not my favorite part of childhood) which we have been working on as well. 

Between the grandson and the hubby, October has been a tiring month and I have had to miss a lot of stitching things/obligations.  This past monday was an exception.  Our EGA chapter has two 
stitch-ins a month - sampler group and sew'n sews.  Well, monday was at someone's house who also has young grandchildren and a toy area for her grandkids so I asked if my grnadson could come and she said yes!   It was a wonderful day.  I sat a thte table where I could keep an eye on the kiddo and yet be part of the group.  The kiddo behaved, made a little mess with the toys but easily and quickly picked up.  (hejust tends to leave things in place when done playing).  He ate a good lunch when I knew he was getting tired he announced he was ready to go home.  He actually lasted longer than I thought and just short of my max limit I had set.  So we picked up toys and packed up.  Five minutes after the car is moving, he is sound asleep.  When we got home, he went right up for the rest of his nap.  He is really good about naptime.  I try to tell him about 15-20 minutes ahead and usually he comes up to me earlier and says he is ready.

Anyhow I ave photos of what I have gotten done between Monday, some evenings and some naptimes - though neither piece is complete.

The bottom picture looks like it's in b/w but it's not.  It is all stitched in Gentle Art's Simply Shaker Brick Path.  It has grays, browns and rust in it.   The o's in boo are stitched over 1, part of the corn stalk is stitched in Symra Cross, the top of the large acorn is over rice stitches and when done the botton will be satin stitches.  At the top, is asissi should be the word Autumn but I have not decided if I will do that or not.

The top piece called for just two colors in the sepia range.  But I decided to add a little more color but still keeping it somewhat in subtle tones.

My big projects have all been put away until November.  Even then I have to start thinking about the holidays and planning for them as well as other things.  Who knows they may linger until after New Year's and then it's time to start planning on the new grandchild due 1 Feb.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

And for some reason, now it works.  May I present my first felted lapel pin.

The computer threw me out when I was trying to retrieve photosfrom Lauren's class on the last post.  Hopefully it won't this time.

This is what it should look like when I'm done.  I'm nowhere near there yet!!!!!
This past monday at our regularly scheduled EGA meeting we had a class on making lapel pins.  I didn't finish in class (only one did) but later that  night (after blowing the driveway clear of leaves and grass, vacuuming the house, cooking dinner for the dau, sil and grandson and a few other chores) I did finish something - the project.  Ta Ta!
or maybe not.  It won't load!
On the bright side, hubby started PT yesterday.  First he will be working on flexability.  It will be awhile before he gets to work on strengthening the arm/shoulder/collar bone.  Meanwhile he is not to hold anything weighing more than a coffee cup.  My luck it will be snowing before he gets to do anything again.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Now I can't remember if I told you that hubby got out of the sling contraption or now.  A quick view of what it looked like.

You can see how thick the wedge was and it went around to the middle front of him as well.  He wore it 24/7 for 10 weeks.  Finally he gets to start physical therapy.

I did manage an occasional escape with someone else keepting an eye on him, not that it was exactly called that.

Anyhow I did manage to get to my Lauren Sauer class back in September. 

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Where do I begin.  The last few weeks have had so much happen and yet the days trudge on by.  I'll start with the good news.

After 10 weeks in a sling contraption, hubby is finally out of it!  He's not allowed to hold more than a coffee mug of weight.  He has temporary physical therapy (PT).  The real hard stuff starts next week.  Driving is still an issue since he drives a stick shift.  I'm hoping that by the end of the month,  he gets full driving privileges back. 

THe upsetting news is the break-in in the neighborhood earlier this week.   Two males rang and rang the doorbell and upon getting no response, assumed no one was home and kicked in the door.  UNfortunately for them, the homeowners were home, having a lazy day and surprised the would be thiefs.  THe thiefs were chased to another neighborhood about 2-3 miles away where someone called 911 because there were strange men running thru her bakyard.  And so two counties came together to catch the want-to-be thiefs.  Onlyinjurywas that one of the canines bit one the arrestees.
THe scary part was that I was starting our morning walk with my 3 yr old grandson and saw all the cop cars and watched the canine unit drive thru the neighborhood and had no idea of what was happening. On of the cops on foot even saw me and never said a word.But when we stopped for the 3 yr old to examine some weed or something on the ground, one of the neighbors came out and told me what was happening and then the kiddo and I went straight back to the house - quickly!
THe alleged theives definitely picked the wrong house.  WHen they were scarded off by the homeowner, they evven left behind their stolen car.  Yuu see, the homeowner had a gun and knew how to use it - retired cop!.  And of course the news made a big deal about this.  Hopefully this will scare off other would-be robbers/home invaders knowing that cops live in the neighbohood - at least I can only hope so.

The other so-so news is that I popped my elbow out place.  It was easily (??) popped back by the doctor but meanwhile it caused a lot of pain elsewhere in the arm and now is very tender and I can barely lift things with that arm.  Appartenly it needs a lot of TLC for a couple of weeks and I don't have any time or that.  Watching a 3 yr old all day, 5 days a weeks doesn't leave you much time to "baby" anything but them.

So stitching is slowed down and hopefully in a week or so I can make up time.  Meanwhile, as soon as EGA posts the photos for the 2014 seminar, check out Diamond Panes - that's mine!  4 diamond panes are shown but the class will include 6 total to choose from and there will be some color choices.  

Keep stitching!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A bit late again.

On 9-11 Hubby and I went to do some errands - a haircut for him, a stop at the grocery (small), etc.  I don't think either of us wanted to look at the news that day.
I grabbed just a few groceries and handed the clerk a $20.  My change - $9.11.
I think that I should have bought a lottery ticket. 

I  have also finished "Be Ye Thankful" last week-end but haven't taken a photo.  So it went to the EGA garage sale on Monday (earlier this week).   It took myself and my crew of volunteers around 2 hours to get everything set up and we didn't even price anything but one small table.  THe really expensive books, a lap stand, a light and couple of other odd items were on the table that was a minimum price of $10.  All the other tables were freewill giving.  Over the years we have found that people give more and it is a lot easier to set up the sale as well.   This year, we had outside donations as well as some members really deep cleaning thier stashes.   I think we set up 10 large tables.  Members bought well but still we had leftovers.  Over the years we have found various places for our leftover items instead of Goodwill.  It seems that most of the Goodwill places we have been to, simply toss the items.  NOT Good!   THis year, leftover yarns went to the church pre-school where we meet,  Fabric went to the same church's quilting group that makes quilts for the homeless,  more items went to another church pre-school that one of the member's belongs to,  canvas items have gone to the local ANG chapter, books went to half-price booksfore re-sale then the remaining when to two of our newer outlets - the local Salvation Army which runs a shop and will accept craft items and a place called Indy Upcycle - they recycle/resell craft items.   What a great place!  The last of the items went there.

Enough for today.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Late but interesting

THis past sunday was Grandparents day.  Here is a short article that Nordic Needle published.

Grandparents Day is Sunday, September 8
The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. President Jimmy Carter, in 1978, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Here are two organizations devoted to Grandparent and their bond with their grandchildren.
The National Grandparents Day Council is a non-profit corporation, established by descendants of Marian H. McQuade, Founder of National Grandparents Day. The purpose of the Council is to "enlarge and enhance the celebration of National Grandparents Day by cultivating intergenerational activities throughout the year. Our goals are to honor grandparents and to strengthen the bond between grandparents and grandchildren. Additionally, we strive to draw compassionate attention to the eldest of society's elderly--those in nursing homes."
The second organization is the Grandparents Rights Organization (GRO). The GRO "is a national volunteer nonprofit organization founded in 1984 by founder and executive director, attorney Richard S. Victor. It has been qualified as tax-exempt organization under section 501(c)(3). Its purpose is to educate and support grandparents and grandchildren and to advocate their desire to continue a relationship that may be threatened with loss of contact or amputation, usually following: family acrimony; a child being born out of wedlock; the death of one of the child’s parents or the divorce of the grandchild’s parents." Unfortunately, I have several friends who have had to seek legal action in order to get visitation with their grandchildren.

Hurray for Grandparents everywhere!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Time for another stitching update.  The photos were actually taken on Sunday, one week after I started the latest project.

You can see that I have made a lot of progress.   For some reason I just kept stitching and stitching - the rest of my rotation basically forgotten.

Here is a photo of one of the other pieces in my rotation.   It's a bit too big to go out of the house so my stitching groups haven't seen it yet.   It's called Mediterranean Tile by Ro Pace.  I'm not thrilled with the shade of green but I admit that it works and it is growing on me.

I admit that I'm almost done with the top piece (Thankful) and have starting going thru my stash for the next piece to put into my rotation.  BTW, my rotation only consists of commercial pieces that I enadore/love/enjoy or plan to give away.   My own designs have top priority.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Congrats to my friend, Linda Reinmiller.   She made the front and back page of  NeedleArts, the EGA Magazine.  As of this writing the current issue is not up on the website but keep checking.  The photos are worth it if you don'yt belong to EGA.   There is a great article and she is the Designer Across America.
The front page is one of my favorite designs of hers.  The year she taught the piece shown on the back page, at EGA was also when I was teaching in the room next door (Puzzle Pieces) and we roomed together. 

Be sure to check out her website .

Congrats Linda!

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Needlework update

Yes, that rare thing lately.  I have made very litle progress on the 12 months so no photo there.  But yesterday I did start a new project which hopefully will stitch up quickly.

Here's the project and my start.

It's an oldie from Cross-Eyed Cricket but truely a classic.  Perfect for Thanksgiving and also for year round.

Hubby is improving but still in the sling.  We see the doctor in 2 weeks and hopefully there will be good news.  One day at a time for now.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Here is a photo of my off-and-on stitching project.  I started it on New Year's Day.  I thought about trying to finish it all this year but with the news of a new grandchild being born in 2014 - I've decided against that.

It is Blackbird Designs Houses of 2010.  Each month had a new house and a different relative of one of the ladies.  Each month will have a close relative of mine or my husband - i.e. parents, siblings, children, grandchildren and neices and nephew.  Once it is complete, I will add a small genealogy to the back of the piece before the final framing paper goes on.

As you can see there are months that barely basted and some have only the stitched outline.  None are complete.  October comes the closest.  I have changed colors in some months and will eliminate a motif or two in some to get the names or initials in place.  It will definitely be an unique genealogy by the time it is completed.

It is being stitched on 40 count linen called tea which I had in my stash.  I don't think that the fabric is even made anymore.  I am stitching over 2 with one strand on fiber.  I'm using Crescent colors, Gentle Arts (sampler threads), Weeks Dye works floss, silk and DMC.   The photo really doesn't show the fabric off very well.  In January you can't even tell the border is in.  That border may get re-stitched later.

Starting at the upper left corner, the rows are as follows:
Jan, Feb Mar
Apr, May, Jun
sampler, July, Aug
Sept , Oct , Nov
Dec, sampler

The two samplers were included with the July chart and the December chart.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Good news.  Hubby got his staples out this morning.  Yes, I said staples.  no stitches to inspect.  He is healing nicely that way.  Now we begin the at home therapy which is working on minor range of moion.  He is still required to wear the sling contraption for another 5 weeks.  He sees the doctor again in a month.

Now we need to work on comfortable sleeping positions.  Nothing seems comfy to him. Once he starts sleeping better than maybe I can too.

Hopefully a stitching report tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

I decided to do more tidbits.  Not much new to say on the home front and less on the stitching front.  I'm not getting much sleep since hubby is not sleeping well.  I'll be glad when the stitches come out!  Meanwhile here's few things to celebrate today - August 6

1782 - General
George Washington establishes the Badge of Military Merit, known today as the Purple Heart, to honor soldiers' meritorious actions in times of war.  
( a small way to honor our wounded warriors)

1986 - Timothy Dalton became the fourth actor to be named "James Bond."
( an acceptable Bond but not my favorite - Sean Connery ranks #1 with Pierce Bronsan very close behind)
1996 - The fantasy epic A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin is released.
( I love the HBO version)


Lucy Ball – 1911

Andy Warhol – 1928

Alfred Tenneyson – 1809

Edith Roosevelt - 1861 

(One of my favorite people.  She had great ideas, not all worked, but she still tried to improve other people's situations when time got tough and let them keep their self respect)

ENjoy your day!


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tidbits of the Day  -  August 4th

August 4 - 1966 - A ban of the broadcast of any and all Beatles records on most U.S. radio stations went into effect. The ban was in response to John Lennon stating that the band was now more popular than Jesus Christ.

1735 - Freedom of the press was established with an acquittal of John Peter Zenger. The writer of the New York Weekly Journal had been charged with seditious libel by the royal governor of New York. The jury said that "the truth is not libelous."

1958 - The first potato flake plant was completed in Grand Forks, ND.

Birthdays - Percy Bysshe Shelley 1792 - Poet

Helen Thomas 1920 - Journalist

Roger Clemens 1962 - Baseball player

Jeff Gordon 1971

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The tidbit for the day

August 3: National Watermelon Day.   

Not one of myfavorite foods but enjoyable when it's really hot outside.  However my mom LOVED it.  Enjoy yor day.


Thursday, August 1, 2013

Yesterday the saga of the unhealthy shoulder took a new turn.

THe sga began in June when we were supposed to be on vacation.  My husband fell flat on his back.  He thinks that perhaps his knee gave out (which has happened before).  Anyhow there he wa flat on his back on a tile floor.  And he continued with the pain for a couple of days thinking it was just bruised.  THen finally he thought he would find a chiropracter, which we did who sent him to an ortho doc who did x-rays and find that hubby tore his rotor cuff.  Finally he decides we will go home early so he can get follow up treatment at home.

We see our ortho guy at home and get the MRI and wait for results, and wait.  THen the bad news, hubby really, really tore his rotor cuff.  They can't see the end of the tendon either.  So now it came down to scdeduling surgery. 

Surgery was yesterday.  First thing the ortho guy said afterwards was that the tear was even worse than the MRI showed, hubby completelytore the tendon, ortho guy had a hard time getting the tendon and stitching it and it was very close to being impossible.  NO wonder the surgery took longer than expected.  Now hubby is home and on lots of pain meds for the upcoming week. 

So now the long road to recovery begins.  Stay tuned.  I will return to stitching posts.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

You just never know how the weather will be one year to another.  This time last year, the weather folks had declared a drought and we were on water rationing.   It made for a long, hot summer.  Now it seems like we can't get it to stop raining.

Last week it rained and rained, then stopped a couple of days but of course we weren't here for the dry time.  We went to Tennessee to see the new grandson - where it rained and rained!

And now today more rain, accompanied by thunderstorms.  Definitely a day to stay in and stitch or read.  I finished a book this morning so now it's time to go stitch.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy 4th of July !!!!!!!!!!!!!

To one and all:

HAPPY 4th of JULY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I get a bit excited over our country's birthday!     Happy 4th!   Be Safe!