Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We were in the path of the last winter storm (Virgil) and again had tons of snow.  No sense showing any photos, it alllokks like the last round of snow photos except higher.

Instead I bring news of Betsy Stinner of Earth Threads - a talented sampler designer.   Here's the link to her obituary:   obit.
The needlework business has lost another talented and delightful person.

Friday, March 15, 2013

This weather is crazy!  Yesterday it was barely above freezing and snowing like crazy - actual whiteout conditions at times.  Now today it is in the mid-fifties.   I wish that spring would just come without all the dramatics!

Meanwhile there is lots of work to get done - stitching supplies to order. instructions to write and a model to stitch.  And then there is the rest of my life too.

Back to work.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

I thought I'd share some photos of the snow. I know it is nowhere near what other places got but we haven't had too much snow this year.

left is neat the beginning and the right and below are the after effects the next morning.

I'm glad it waited until I was home again.   At the end of February I was in Tennessee for my grandson's 2nd birthday.   Amazing how much he is growing.  He had a Lightening McQueen party
(thinks cars if not familiar).

The cookies, cake and stoplight brownies.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

It's snowing!   A beautiful light snow.  we shall see how deep this "light" snows is by morning.

Meanwhile I hope everyone gets home safely and stays snug and secure.