Tuesday, March 27, 2012

This week-end I went mouse hunting.  No not the live little critters.  But my computer mouse bit the dust.  Now, I am used to a small or medium mouse.  "Normal" ones have always been a bit big for my hand.  Trying to find either size was next to impossible!  I did finally find a medium sized one that looked ok.  But it's wireless.  So now I still have to use a USB port but now I also have to worry about finding batteries and keeping them stocked in the house.  After all, do I really want my mouse winding down at 2 am or whatever odd hour I may get on the computer.  I also now have to worry about the mouse being knocked off the desk, especially by curious cats who like to bat things around.  Worse yet, being buried under my piles of paperwork that like to clutter my desk.  I never have been a tidy desk person.  Just not me.  The nice thing is that now my mouse color matches my computer color.  Then again, it never bothered me thatthey didn't match before.

But back to the shopping trip.  Most stores I checked have a few versions.  ONe store had one huge long aisle!  Wow!  THere was the true mini-mouse - about the size of a jump drive.  A bit too small for my taste.  There were the ones shaped liked a NFL football helmet - way too large!  There was "Hello Kitty", Crayola and other assorted ones geared towards kids.   Lots of designer colors and patterns; lots of different brands; very few with cords and almost none with the retractable cords like I had before.  There some with huge trackballs on the side of the mouse (I mean huge, almost egg size). The largest were the ones that literally were larger than my entire hand.  They were close to the size of my mouse pad.  And the shapes are different now.  Most would have my fingers pointing down and the wrist up in the air - not exactly comfortable for me anyhow. 

I wasn't thrilled with packing either.  I wanted to be able to "hold" the mouse to try it out.  Or at least feel how it might be in my hand.  Some of the glitzy packaging just doesn't allow for that.

So, now I am in search of batteries to see how the new mouse will do.  I also need more batteries for the camera. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Our snow never really lasted longer than a day this winter.  Trust me, I'm not complaining!  But the photo in the header just wasn't appropriate and I've been so busy that I haven't found time to change it.  But it really has to go after the summer weather we have been having this March.

I thought this new photo would work for awhile.  It was taken ages and ages ago, obviously well before the piece was finished.  Right now I am teaching the pilot class for this piece and will be teaching the piece in October 2012 at the EGA National seminar in Santa Fe. 

The cat is Samson, our older cat that we rescued when he was about a week old.  His momma left him behind - he was the runt of the litter.  You would never know it now.  He is now 11 years old.  Also, he is now one very spoiled and lovedcat, along with a companion that Samson tolerates, Max.  Max is only 3 and you know it by his energy.  Wish I had that energy!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

This very nicely coincided with my EGA stitching retreat this past week-end.  And i did stitch and stitch!  I actually had two finishes (both were started previously) which I had in my bag but had not intended to work on.  The intended project got ignored.  I have no photos yet of the finishes, perhaps in a day or so.

Meanwhile I also did a bunch of ripping so my TUSAL will be full of brown thread snippets this time.

Meanwhile, it's time to get back to writing instructions for my pilot class.  Many words to go ere I sleep tonight.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I have inally updated the book list.  I have been reading in between all the other craziness and busyiness.  So far March is busy!  The weather is crazy.  A few days ago I was freezing and the temps were hovering near the freezing mark.  Now they are forecasting the 70's for today.

So now for a late WIP

Yes, it's a terrible photo.  Somehow it just wasn't cooperative.   Believe it or not I got the light purple flowers completed.  I did more of the endless green though I'm not sure if you can tell.   Some day it will get totally done.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Our weather is getting erratic again.   day of 60+ degrees followed by rain and dropping temps.  Now in the 30's.  No wonder half the state is getting sick.  I'm sure that teachers are more than ready for spring break to help stop the spread of colds, etc.  I just want slowing increasing temps. 

WIP photos tomorrow probably.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Around here, February ended poorly and March is not starting out well at all.  We've already had hail and driving rain, accompanied by tornadoes.  Now this morning there is measurable snow on the ground.  It also seems that the national news only remembers that Indiana exists when some problem occurs.  Hopefully the national news will still remember us when something good happens. 
Meanwhile the local news stations and other organizations are launching major fund raisers for the tornado victims and the towns that barely exist any more.  I ask that you remember them in your prayers.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

February is done and now we start a new month.   I tried doing every day in February but just didn't make it.  Perhaps another month, certainly not right now.