Monday, February 27, 2012

I have to admit, it's getting harder to coe up with things/people/places that I absolutely love.  I like a lot of things, etc but don't always love them.

Basically the key people in my life are done, my parents are deceased so I decided not to include them,also the anniversary of my mom's death is also fast approaching and I really don't need any more reminders.
I'm not doing friends in general - I think my close friends already know who they are and I count myself very lucky to have them as friends.

I love to stitch!  But I think that's a given for most people who read this blog.  So I don't think it needs a whole blog entry.

I love going to an ocean location but not enough that I would retire there over all other considerations - so the question becomes "do I love it enough?" to blog about it.

I'll do better tomorrow to come up with one people/place/thing I love dearly.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Lastly is my nephew. He's not last in the birth order but I thought he might get more attention by beinlast in the blog.  He's a sweet guy and of course I love him as with my nieces.

Here he is, along with his new (at the time) wife:

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Now for my youngest niece.  Another beautiful member of the family and especially dear to me since she also my goddaughter.

Friday, February 24, 2012

TIme for the 2nd oldest niece.  Another gorgeous family member.  Somehow all of this generation turned out either gorgeous or handsome and they seem to be producing even more handsome kids.

The dress is lace and drop dead beautiful - as is she and was the wedding.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Now it's time to move on to my neices and nephew.  First up is the oldest niece -  a mere 3 months seperate my oldest daughter and the oldest neice but many miles.

Here she is with oldest great-nephew and next oldest great nephew (to be):

WHoops!  It looks like I erased out he great-nephew's head.  Trust me, he is cute and adorable!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


I'm basically on time this month.  Here is the TUSAL as of February 22, 2012.

See Daffycat for rules and explanations.

Sorry about the glare.  Even with the curtains shut, I kept getting glare.  Next month I may need to get a larger jar or else go to a vase of some type.

Note I have also changed the photo header to more accurately reveal the weather this winter, not my ideal of a winter.  I'm ready for spring.  By the way, the snow has not lasted very long all winter.  It seems to get here and look pretty for a day or few and then gone.  Actually it's been nice that way.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I had a post for yesterday but have no idea what happened to it.

On to today.  I love my stitching friends.  And today one has a birthday.

Happy Birthday Bonnie !!!!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Today is short and simple.  I figured a Sunday was a good day to tell you that I love my faith.  I'm not talking about my particular church that we attend, but my overall faith denomination.

I grew up with several compromises between what my parnets grew up with and I never was totally comfortable.  During college I attended many churches with my various sorority sisters.  But after college and starting to work, I made my own choice.  Of my own accord, I became Catholic.  A few days after talking to a local priest and starting everything in motion, I met my husband - a cradle catholic.  It was a definite affirmation to me that I did the right thing for me and my future.

Warts and all, I love the Catholic faith.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

One of the things that I love is history, especially European and English history,  probably from medievel time through Tudor England.  Everytime I think I have a favorite time, I find something new (to me) to delve into and I change my mind.

However I have found a new tv program on the history channel that sounds promising - Full Metal Jousting.  I've only seen the first episode and it definite was interesting (at least to me).  When the leader and instructors talked about the weight of the armor, the weight of the horses, lances, etc.  It really made me realize that the knights of old had to be in great shape to carry all that weight and ride a huge horse well.  It really brought home the fact that if your horse fell on you during battle, you also may be a goner. 

I'm realistic, I know that there were many problems as far as basic services - food, shelter, health and class status.  Who you were born to or married determined everything.  Not much chance for advancement, especially women.  We didn't get to own anything and did the vast majority of work.  Communications were another problem, depending on what class you were, determined what language you usually spoke.  Yet, people thrived and survived and invented new things and were enlightened in their views.  Well maybe not that.  I can think of a few people whose views are still in the 15th century. 

Overall an interesting time of history.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I missed another day.  Too much going on and not all of it good.  We spent Val evening at a funeral home - one of our neighbors died over the week-end.  It's always scary when someone your age or younger dies.  Yesterday was the funeral.

So let's go on to the next person I love dearly - the youngest daughter.  And here she and the youngest grandson are:

My daughter is the short one getting measured.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

For Valentine's day I thought I would share the person I love the most - my dear hubby.  It's been 31 years as of this writing.  Later this year we will reach our 32nd anniversay.  Hard to believe it's been that long, in so many ways it seems like last week, well maybe last year.  Those kids have a way of sneaking up on you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 13, 2012

I've already mentioned my son, so I thought it was time to move on to his older sister, my oldest daughter.  Just a reminder - I love all my kids!

And her she is (as well as oldest grandson):

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Sorry for the missed couple of days.  Other things had bigger priorities.

Today one of my loves is Books!  I love to read!  I will admit I read mostly fiction.  The top two categories are mysteries an historical fiction (mostly olden days as in before 1800).

One of the groups I joined this year is a reading challenge.  It's based on how many chunksters you think you can read.  I chose a middle group - requiring 6 chunksters.  Each chunsters must be over 450 pages. Looking at their recommended list, I know that I read at least 6 from the list, just not all last year.  So far this year I have read 3 chunksters and am currently on my fourth.

I keep a running tab of book read in the sidebar and have tried to remember to indicate chunksters.  In my spreadsheet, for this year I also added the number of pages read.  So far this year, not counting the current book, I have read 3409 pages.  And this has been a rather mild winter so far.  I do tend to read more when winter is more fierce.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Stitching Blogger Question

February's SBQ is about break-ups. Is there anything in your stash that you are ready to end your relationship with?
Last year I did end the relationship with a design.  The more I sttiched, the further I got from my original idea and the worse it looked and nothing was going right with it.  Off the stretcher bars it came and into rag pile. 

Usually I love to design and place with stitches, but this one never worked right.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I love a great needle

On February 8th, all across Japan, Harikuyo will take place in Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples. Hari-kuyou is a Japanese religious practice which is said to have started in the Edo era (early 17th century). Hari means noodle, and Kuyou is a Buddhist memorial service. Memorial services are usually held for spirits of the dead but it is also common to hold them for inanimate objects that have served well in life, or indeed that life depends on. There is an old Shinto belief that inanimate objects, as well as living beings, have a soul and spirit. The animists believe that to simply discard a tool that has served you well is disrespectful would anger the object's soul.

Known as the Festival of Broken Needles, it is a ritual of thanks and respect for tools of the sewing, tailoring and embroidery trades. It dates back 1500 years; women (and men) dress in fine kimono and gather together all of the needles they've used, broken and/or and worn out during the previous year. They proceed to the local temple or shrine, where a three-tiered altar is prepared. The lower level displays sewing accessories, such as scissors, thimbles, thread and so forth. The top tier offers seasonal fruit, and white mochi (ceremonial rice cake offerings). In the center section is a large slab of tofu or konnyaku (jelly-like substance made from konnyaku potato), into which everyone plunges the pieces of their broken needles. Sticking the needles into something soft is a way of showing appreciation to the needles which have been stuck through hard substances. The needleworkers also pray for improvement in their needlework skills.

Later they will be taken to a sacred final resting place. The tofu keeps them safe and not forgotten, yet because of being protected in the tofu they can do no harm with their points. In a second sense they are still present in life. The priest will incant a sutra, that reflects the passage of the needles from use, and invokes a Buddhist blessing that is passed on to the users of the needles. By showing respect to the needles they have used through the past year, they are offering thanks and requesting that the power and energy of the needles be present in the stitchers for the coming year, so that their skills may be improved. Priests will also sing sutras to comfort the needles, heal their broken spirits and thank them for work well done. No sewing takes place on this day.

In Japan, needles became commonly used in the 14th century. At this time, needles were precious and used with especial care, which probably led to the idea of doing "kuyou" for the needles, a religious ceremony to calm the spirit and put them to rest". Although it is originally a religious practice, in present days, it is widely known as a ceremony for needleworkers to show appreciation for the needles and pray for improvement in needlework skills. These days, many kimono seamstress and needlework schools still go to the shrine to attend the Hari-kuyou ceremony. Some needleworkers show appreciation by simply not doing any needlework on that day, thereby giving their needles a holiday.


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Today is a break from the subject of Love.  It's show and tell time, TUSAL, BAP, and WIP.
Not sure if it is even time for the TUSAL but since I'm doing the other two, it's getting included. It's up first.

Now comes the WIP. 

Last month I showed you a few but I only stitched on one - Tapestry Cat.  I remembered well why it became a WIP.  IT's those blended threads and a few stitches here then way over yonder, etc.  But I still love the piece and want it done!
The lower left corner had no backstitching - it does now, the upper left corner didn't even exist yet, now it does and most of the right corner was blank - not so much.

And lastly I joined the BAP challenge.  So I started it.  I also count it as part of my 15 January challenges, the only non-ornament.  See Becky's blog.

Please ignore my stockinged foot in the lower left corner.  I didn't realize it got in the photo.

Monday, February 6, 2012

the other grandson

Today I'll show off my firstborn grandson.  Another love of my life.

He is an adorable kid though the photo may not reflect it at the moment it was taken.  This was at his christening.  Underneath the church cloth is a christening gown (yes, a gown) which was worn by his mother (and her siblings) and her father (and his siblings).  Since the gown was given to my husband for his christening, it is staying on our side of the family.  Anyhow, the gown has quite a history and has been to a wide variety of churches, mostly catholic. 

Here is the oldest grandson:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

today's love

On the 5th day of February - I love crossword puzzles!  Especially those large Sunday versions.  Though every day, I have a routinue when I get to my computer - check the email, check on my son, do the crossword puzzle, etc.

I definitely need to fins more crosswords online.  They can be so much fun!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

love of travel

Since I was trolling my photos to see what I would want to show this month, I found some that were actually date stamped.  So the celebrate the 4th day of February in 2012, photos of my day, the 4th of February 2009.  We took our first cruise and increased of our love of travel.  We did a cruise to the Panama canal (and a few other places as well).

Here goes:

They used to use actual mules to pull the ships thru the canal.  This is what a mule looks like in 2009.

This was in the morning, going from ocean to the lake between the two shores.

This is the afternoon, coming out of the lake and back in to the ocean (same side as we went in).  You can see the local traffic going over the canal.

And lastly the bridge for the cars is stowing itself away before the last lock (before the ocean) is opened up for the ship.
This was truely a great trip!

Friday, February 3, 2012

I love all my family members and so will say something about all them during the month but in no particular order.

So today's featured family member is grandson #2.  I picked a photo that does not reflect what he looks like today because he is only a few hours old in it.  He's just as adorable today!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Birthday!

One of the people I love the most is having a birthday - he is my official groundhog!  My son celebrates his birthday today.  Unfortunately we can not be with him nor he with us.  From the photo you can see why - he's a bit busy overseas right now.  To respect his privacy, I've shown a group shot
of the unit.

 Happy Birthday son!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

another contest

To Stitch or Not to Stitch is offering a new give-away contest. Check it out.

I'm going to borrow from the Lake Stitcher and try to blog about things I love during February.  And finding another contest to enter was a good start.  I enjoy entering contests as long as they don't ask for too much personal info.  Privacy is something that I love and cherish.