Saturday, August 27, 2011

just a quickie

I've updated my list of books again.  I've also added a new blog.

Ro came out htis past March to teach at our ANG chapter.  I had a great time getting to know her and encouraging her to start a blog.  I'm so happy that she has.  Check it out when you have a chance.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Monday, August 15, 2011

where has the time gone?!

I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted and we haven't even gone on vacation.  Instead we have babysat the almost one year old (next week is the big birthday) for a weeks and we have packed up the household of the 5 month old grandson for his move to Tennessee.  His dad got a new job.  We are happy for the new job but sad for the new distance between us and the grandbaby.   We already have plans in the works to go visit very soon! 

All of this activity has been on top of the normal obligations and routinues, so it has been a bit choatic some days, tiring all days and not much stitching has gotten done.  This week is just us since the older grandson is on vacation and the other is already relocated. So hopefully I will get some stitching done, genealogy researched and actually try to relax.  We shall see.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

As usual lately, I seem to be behind the power curve.  A few too many things going on in life right now.

Meanwhile here's a small photo update.

I was calling this piece AUTUMN.  It's real name is  MAPLE LEAF.  Designer was correct - Laura Perin.  The outside edges have made progress due to some "mindless" stitching time.

This is the thread jar for July.  Not a great photo but very timely.  I took the photo a few minutes after midnight on August 1st.  Yes, I was up that late stitching and even some beyond that hour.