Thursday, January 27, 2011


I think that I now have everything updated.  I have my 15 started projects all listed, my book list is updated, the luggage arrived home finally and the laundry is done.  It seems while hubby's suitcase made the trek north, mine lingered in Flordia until Tuesday.  In the wee hours on Wednesday, they both arrived home again.

Now on to the photos - as promised #13,14 and 15 as well as one update.

#13   Brrr men by Holiday Sparrow Designs.  Yes, it's an oldie but I still love it.

#14  A Hardanger Jewelry purse by Janice Love.   I actually intend to do just the hardanger portion and frame it.  Something small to fit into some corner of the house.

#15  Constantiople  (not sure it's spelled correctly), don't remember who designed it.  It was passed onto me at our annual EGA garage sale.  But it's canvas and I like it!  Not sure I like the ecru portion.  It actually shows up better in the photo than in real life.


This is a really bad updated photo of the small Dutch Minature.  Progress is being made.

And ow back to the stitching portion of the day.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Luggage on vacation

Still no luggage.  Hubby's suitcase showed up but mine is MIA!  There is nothing like trying to explain to customer service what needlepoint supplies are and items on stretcher bars.  So much for putting the stitching "safely" in my luggage so TSA won't confiscate anything.

So stillno photos, everything went on vacation without me!
We made it home.  Tired and not ready to be cold again.  However, the luggage managed an extra day in Fort Lauderdale.  I wonder if it got any extra sun?  Anyhow, the luggage is flying back today to the land of the cold and snow. 

Updates later when the uncountable emails gets sorted thru and dealt with.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

last night was a good stitching night.  I allowed myself a couple of hours for pleasure stitching instead of work stitching.  I started Cromwell the Snowman and got about half of his body finished. 

As for projects for days #13, 14 and 15 of the challenge - they will wait to be revealed when I return.  I'll be gone for a few days and without access to email most likely.  I am looking forward to being able to stitch something all the way to the end or at least until I'm bored with them - either way, a lot longer than 1 day worth.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Yesterday was really busy as well as really snowy.  Lots more snow arrived.  I did do a small start - really small, maybe only 25 stitches.  I started the house with 2 trees from the Cranberry Christmas leaflet from Prairie Schooler.  I now have two started from that leaflet.

More snow is arriving today and more to work to get.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 8 - Cherish  Dream Live (the proper title) by Lizzie kate

Day 9 - Wine a Bit (proper title)   The colors actully match the kitchen towel set I got for CHristmas.

Day 10 - Tropical Waves
(looks like the white caps aren't showing up very well in the bottom wave set)

Sunday slipped away from me.  We make an effort not to "work" on sunday so we both try to avoid the computer which might (probably) lead us to working on genealogy.

But I did stitch.  I started on Wine a Little - a small chart by Sue Hillis designs for my day 9 project.  THen today I started a new model for a 1 day class.  Originally I wasn't going to count any of my models but this one needs to get done quickly and really needs some stitching time put in on it.  The next couple days pieces will probably have a bare minimum of stitches in them while I work to meet deadlines.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Day 8 - I started Cherish Dreams by Lizzie kate.  A small piece but still nice and should hopefully work up quickly.  Photos later.

I had a nice treat today - a quick trip to the cross stitch LNS (we also have a needlepoint LNS within a half hour).  Spend some time with a friend, admired the semi-remodeled shop (shop has a new owner) which is greatly improved, new display of threads which were previously hidden in a drawer and removal of some of the older models.  Previously all the models gave you a closed in feeling, there were far too many of them and some were way outdated.  The new owner is doing a great job of updating and cheering up the shop.  She has also added three stitch-in times at the shop.
  Yes, I did come home with a new chart too.  It will probably make ny challenge 15 and replace something else.  It's a cute little thing about wine.
  I also did the dreary housework today.  Hate to do but feel glad when it's done and things are sparkly clean again.

Til later.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 3 of the Challenge
Santa didn't get very far at all.

 This is the small er of the two Dutch Miniatures.  Almost the entire left side of the plant - all over one thread.

 Home of the Brave - this was day 5.  As you can see, I changed it to blue.

 This was Day 1. I thought he was named St. Nicholas.  Turned out the name is Kris Kringle.  I have several of these that I want to do, so be prepared to see more.

Day 2 was the start of Trick or Treat Kitty.  I have a small patch of grass started.  This is also over one.  My eyes are going to kill me before the challenge is over.

And today - Day 7.  I spent far too long stitching today. Ireally need to work more on my models - all are currently canvas models, much better on the eyes than another over 1 thread ornament.  This is Itty Bitty Ornament by Twisted Threads.

And it is snowing again.  I'm ready for a vacation somewhere warm!
It's late so this will be short.  I started day 6 with a Dutch Miniature Sampler by Thisle Threads.  I'm doing it over one.  I had fun stitching but now my eyes are killing me.

While looking for the fibers needed, I also found a perfect little piece of lime green evenweave for one of the Halloween ornaments I wanted to stitch.  Look for that in the upcoming days.

Time for sleep at this household.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I was up way too early this morning so I started my 5th project of the challenge.  A change of pace - a small sampler called "Home of the Brave".  I changed to color (from a reddish to dark blue)as well as the fabric.  Went for something unidentifable in my personal stash.

Tonight is our ANG chapter's first meeting of the new year.  One of things we will be doing is a stitch-along on the stitch-of-the-month from the ANG website.  Ro Pace has created the design for 2011.

Speaking of which, Ro will be teaching Sea Opals at our chapter first ever retreat at the end of March.  If you are interested or want to be a ghost stitcher for this project, leave me a comment.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Just a short and quick note.  I started my fourth ornament tonight.  Too many other things going on right now. 

Monday, January 3, 2011

Today's needlework start is an ornament from Prairie Schooler's Cranberry Christmas - Santa.  I managed to get the left side of his face in.  Not too bad for everything else going on too.

Today was also the first board meeting for my local ANG chapter.  Next monday I have the board meeting of my local EGA chapter.  Nothing like keeping myself busy.

Pictures coming in a day or so.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Another ornament

Today I started the second of my Crazy January pieces.  #2 is a Halloween ornament - Trick or Treat kitty which was published  October 2008 "Just Cross Stitch".  Not much there, I only had 15 minutes to stitch on it today.  I need to do more on a new design. 

Today was "undecorate the house" day.  All the ornaments and other holiday items are tucked away in their boxes, waiting for next year.  Not one of my favorite things to do.  Decorating with the goodies is so much more fun.

I have also spent some time trying to improve the look of this blog.  It may take me some time, please be patient.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Welcome !

Hello everyone!

I'm starting the New Year (2011) off with a new blog.

I plan onsharing my design work as well as my personal stitching.  Occasionally I will be adding some non-stitching news.  To start out, I did "sign up" for the January Crazy Challenge and did work on y January 1 item early this morning while watching the Rose Bowl parade.  The rest of the day was spent stitching on a new canvas design and enjoying the day with my husband.